Andrew Hammett
In my time, I have been a skydiver, a Scuba Diving Instructor, have crofted in Shetland and farmed in France. For the last ten years I have been making beautiful objects from wood and leather. Mostly self-taught with the odd course from the world-renowned West Dean College thrown in for good measure, I have honed my skills in many crafts with the help and guidance of skilled craftspeople from all around the UK. I still work in IT for a local company, but focus all of my passion towards my love for making beautiful things,
My YouTube channel and this website are dedicated to my sharing my passion for simple living, old traditional crafts, old ways of doing things and living a much simpler life.
Head of Security
Head of Security at the workshop, general woofer at ne’er do wells and scourge of the Squirrel World Domination League in our local park. Also chief grumbler, unexpected noise generator and giver of face washes, hugs and tennis balls.
The best and most loyal friend!!